
Phase 1 environmental studies in texas: Essential Guide

A Comprehensive Analysis of Phase 1 environmental studies in texas: Understanding the Critical Role and Detailed Process of Phase 1 and Phase 2 ESAs.


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Jeffco ESA

Welcome to Jeffco Phase 1 environmental studies in texas! We are a reputable environmental consulting firm specializing in site assessment services in Jefferson County and the surrounding areas.

About Jeffco

Phase 1 Phase 1 environmental studies in texas

Hello and welcome to Jeffco Environmental Site Assessment! We are a well-established environmental consulting firm that offers site assessment services in all over Texas and surrounding states. We have the experience and the knowledge of the environmental regulations and the assessment methodologies to deliver reliable and detailed assessments for the decision makers.

Our Expertise

At Jeffco Environmental Site Assessment, our staffs are environmental professionals with geologists, environmental scientists, engineers, and regulatory specialists. Cognisant of the environmental dynamics and regulatory framework of our client’s locations, we provide a comprehensive range of site assessment services that may be required.

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Our Serives

Services We Provide

Jeffco, can service entire the state of Texas and surrounding states. We, also can have environmental remediation contractors, for environmental cleanup companies, as needed. We are a fast turnaround environmental company that is very reliable & professional, we are here to focus on your projects and needs.

Jeffco (ESA) Phase 1 & 2

Phase 1 environmental studies in texas

The Phase 1 environmental studies in texas (ESA) uses existing information to help a community understand the property conditions by examining current and historical uses of the site and potential threats to human health or the environment. Environmental assessments must be completed or overseen by an environmental professional, which may include a licensed geologist, engineer or site professional. They will:

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Review records
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Review government databases
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Visually inspect the site
Interview owners, neighbors and past workers

Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment

The Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is recommended if the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment results reveal known or potential contamination found on the property, sometimes called recognized environmental conditions (RECs). An environmental professional develops a sampling plan to evaluate the potential presence of contamination from hazardous substances and petroleum on the property and determines the sources and exposures. Environmental professionals may also consult with state and tribal brownfield programs regarding required assessment activities. They will:

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Identify chemicals of concern
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Sample and test soil, groundwater and other media
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Further investigate areas of concern
Develop plans for cleanup, if needed
Reports Prepared For:

Environmental Due Diligence Reports

Banks & Other Financial Agencies
Gas Station & Convenience Store
Inactive Oil/Gas Properties
Prior Improved Vacant Land
Commercial Strip Centers
Multiple Commercial Entities
Schools, Collage & Day Care Centers

We are looking forward working with on your projects, please do not hesitate to call, 24 hours a day, seven day a week.

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People Says About Enironmenatl site assessment

Having the Jeffco Environmental Site Assistant involved in the project was a step up for us. From the first time that we worked with them, their professionalism and perfectionism were quite apparent. They effectively co-ordinated and facilitated site surveys and all relevant data was collected and recorded properly. Their inputs and suggestions were always helpful especially in the decision-making process regarding environmental restoration.

John Anderson

I was very satisfied with the knowledge and politeness of the Jeffco Environmental Site Assistant. They effectively interfaced with other players in the system such as the regulatory authorities, contractors and the public. Their knowledge of environmental laws and regulations as well as coordinating our communication made the whole process easy and seamless.

Sarah Ramirez

Special thanks to the Jeffco Environmental Site Assistant for the support and helpful advice during the project. They were very proactive and showed us how they could identify problems before they arose and this was helpful in avoiding unnecessary work. They were very particular with the environment we were working in and the quality of work they wanted delivered was impressive.

Mark Thompson